
Few would argue that she'll survive
film history as the definitive film noir dame, having appeared
in three of the genre's finest offerings: The Narrow
Margin, The Killing and Force of Evil. Marie
discusses these in detail in our "B
Film Noir" section. Below she recalls the drive-in
classics for which cult film fans know her best.
The first thing you notice is the eyes.
Hooded and glowering, you'd almost believe one glare could
slice a guy in two. They saw Marie Windsor through a catalog
of some of the best B movies ever produced Beyond
her well-earned image as the quintessentially sexy, tough
broad, Marie Windsor's versatility is without doubt her most
remarkable trait. In a sixty-year career, she's worked in
every film genre, lending class to the lowly "Bs"
and outshining the stars of the "A" films in which
she was featured.

"It mauls, it rips,
it vanishes!"
Phantom of the Rue Morgue
"A new kind of terror
to numb the nerves!"
Monster That Challenged the World
"Fiery, fearless,
Cat Women of the Moon